巨鹱属 Macronectes (giant petrels) |
巨鹱 Macronectes giganteus (Antarctic giant-petrel)
霍氏巨鹱 Macronectes halli (Hall's giant-petrel) |
暴风鹱属 Fulmarus (fulmars) |
暴风鹱 Fulmarus glacialis (northern fulmar) 
银灰暴风鹱 Fulmarus glacialoides (southern fulmar) |
南极鹱属 Thalassoica (Antarctic petrel) |
南极鹱 Thalassoica antarctica (Antarctic petrel) |
花斑鹱属 Daption (Cape petrel) |
花斑鹱 Daption capense (Cape petrel) |
雪鹱属 Pagodroma (snow petrel) |
雪鹱 Pagodroma nivea (snow petrel) |
圆尾鹱属 Pterodroma (petrels) |
白腹圆尾鹱 Pterodroma alba (phoenix petrel)
信使圆尾鹱 Pterodroma arminjoniana (herald petrel)
黑圆尾鹱 Pterodroma aterrima (Mascarene petrel)
亨氏圆尾鹱 Pterodroma atrata (Henderson petrel)
查岛圆尾鹱 Pterodroma axillaris (Chatham Islands petrel)
留尼汪圆尾鹱 Pterodroma baraui (Barau's petrel)
百慕大圆尾鹱 Pterodroma cahow (Bermuda petrel)
白领圆尾鹱 Pterodroma cervicalis (white-necked petrel)
黑脚圆尾鹱 Pterodroma cookii (Cook's petrel)
迪氏圆尾鹱 Pterodroma defilippiana (Defilippe's petrel)
白颈圆尾鹱 Pterodroma externa (Juan Fernandez petrel)
佛得角圆尾鹱 Pterodroma feae (Cape Verde petrel)
黑顶圆尾鹱 Pterodroma hasitata (black-capped petrel)
白额圆尾鹱 Pterodroma hypoleuca (Bonin islands petrel)
大西洋圆尾鹱 Pterodroma incerta (Atlantic petrel)
鳞斑圆尾鹱 Pterodroma inexpectata (mottled petrel)
白头圆尾鹱 Pterodroma lessonii (white-headed petrel)
白翅圆尾鹱 Pterodroma leucoptera (Gould's petrel)
长嘴圆尾鹱 Pterodroma longirostris (Stejneger's petrel)
斐济圆尾鹱 Pterodroma macroptera (great-winged petrel)
马德拉圆尾鹱 Pterodroma madeira (Madeira petrel)
红圆尾鹱 Pterodroma magentae (magenta petrel)
柔羽圆尾鹱 Pterodroma mollis (soft-plumaged petrel)
克岛圆尾鹱 Pterodroma neglecta (Kermadec petrel)
黑翅圆尾鹱 Pterodroma nigripennis (black-winged petrel)
瓦努阿图圆尾鹱 Pterodroma occulta (Vanuatu petrel)
暗腰圆尾鹱 Pterodroma phaeopygia (dark-rumped petrel)
菲律宾圆尾鹱 Pterodroma phillipii (Mount Pitt petrel)
新西兰圆尾鹱 Pterodroma pycrofti (Pycroft's petrel)
棕头圆尾鹱 Pterodroma solandri (providence petrel)
墨氏圆尾鹱 Pterodroma ultima (Murphy's petrel) |
钩嘴圆尾鹱属 Pseudobulweria |
贝氏圆尾鹱 Pseudobulweria becki (Beck's petrel)
斐济圆尾鹱 Pseudobulweria macgillivrayi (Fiji petrel)
钩嘴圆尾鹱 Pseudobulweria rostrata (Tahiti petrel)  |
蓝鹱属 Halobaena (blue petrel) |
蓝鹱 Halobaena caerulea (blue petrel) |
锯鹱属 Pachyptila (prions) |
细嘴锯鹱 Pachyptila belcheri (slender-billed prion)
厚嘴锯鹱 Pachyptila crassirostris (fulmar prion)
鸽锯鹱 Pachyptila desolata (Antarctic prion)
小锯鹱 Pachyptila salvini (medium-billed prion)
仙锯鹱 Pachyptila turtur (fairy prion)
阔嘴锯鹱 Pachyptila vittata (broad-billed prion) |
燕鹱属 Bulweria (Bulwer's and Jouanin's petrels) |
褐燕鹱 Bulweria bulwerii (Bulwer's petrel) 
厚嘴燕鹱 Bulweria fallax (Jouanin's petrel) |
风鹱属 Procellaria (petrels) |
白颏风鹱 Procellaria aequinoctialis (white-chinned petrel)
灰风鹱 Procellaria cinerea (grey petrel)
黑风鹱 Procellaria parkinsoni (black petrel)
大黑风鹱 Procellaria westlandica (westland petrel) |
猛鹱属 Calonectris (Cory's and streaked shearwaters) |
猛鹱 Calonectris diomedea (Cory's shearwater)
白额鹱 Calonectris leucomelas (streaked shearwater)  |
鹱属 Puffinus (shearwaters) |
小鹱 Puffinus assimilis (little shearwater)
汤氏鹱 Puffinus auricularis (Townsend's shearwater)
灰背鹱 Puffinus bulleri (Buller's shearwater)
淡足鹱 Puffinus carneipes (flesh-footed shearwater) 
粉脚鹱 Puffinus creatopus (pink-footed shearwater)
棕嘴鹱 Puffinus gavia (fluttering shearwater)
大鹱 Puffinus gravis (great shearwater)
灰鹱 Puffinus griseus (sooty shearwater) 
澳洲鹱 Puffinus huttoni (Hutton's shearwater)
奥氏鹱 Puffinus lherminieri (Audubon's shearwater)
巴利阿里鹱 Puffinus mauretanicus (Balearic shearwater)
黑鹱 Puffinus nativitatis (Christmas Island shearwater)
黑腹鹱 Puffinus opisthomelas (black-vented shearwater)
曳尾鹱 Puffinus pacificus (wedge-tailed shearwater) 
大西洋鹱 Puffinus puffinus (Manx shearwater)
短尾鹱 Puffinus tenuirostris (short-tailed shearwater)
地中海鹱 Puffinus yelkouan (Mediterranean shearwater) |